Emergency Use Only – is Not Approved

There is a big problem when you have censorship of the narrative, especially when those being censored are the very people you would go to for medical advice!
AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) is the governing body who provide health professionals with a licence and registration to practice. They work with 15 other Boards complete with signed agreements to control policy across all areas of health. (1)
AHPRA’s position statement on COVID-19 means it is not possible for you to obtain a balanced discussion regarding these Emergency Use Only (EUO) drugs with your trusted health professionals. (2)
Information is being censored currently and practitioners are being muzzled, resulting in many health professionals remaining silent and many others who are now leaving their profession, as these experimental drugs are being mandated upon them by their Employers.
When health professionals speak out against the COVID-19 narrative, they are suspended, de-registered, fined, risk being jailed, are publicly demonized by MSM and labelled as ‘anti-vaxxers’.
Let us look at the terminology here, because this is important, as this is not an ‘officially approved’ drug, it cannot ‘officially’ be called a ‘Vaccine’ at all.
EUO confirms this is not approved, the experimental drugs have been given provisional approval only, because we are purportedly in a State of Emergency in a pandemic, except we are not in New South Wales. (3)
EUO is granted only when there are no other alternative treatments available, however, thousands of patients worldwide have been successfully treated with trusted and safe medicines (50 & 60 years old), Ivermectin and HCQ. (4)
Liability does not rest with the manufacturers of these experimental drugs, officially classified as – GENETIC MEDICAL INTERVENTIONS. The Government is not liable for your injuries or death, the meager compensation they are offering, is barely worth the application. New legislation in proposal and currently going through the approval process in Parliament, holds the employers responsible for their employee’s health, when they mandate these experimental drugs. (5)
Many people are injured in Australia and around the world, many people have been killed by these drugs and it is important to remember that the experiment does not end until 2023/2024. (6)
To see the sheer scope of adverse events reported, go to the DAEN (Database of Adverse Events Notification) the figures listed here are far below the true numbers, it is estimated that only 1-10% of adverse events are ever reported to this database. (7)
The test that was approved by the CDC to use for this virus – RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction) was never designed to be a diagnostic tool; this is stated by the inventor Kary Mullis. We also know that the test cannot detect or differentiate between the flu and this virus. This test is only granted EUO approval and this expires on the 31st December 2021. (8)
The virus was not isolated or purified when this test was designed for diagnosis of this virus, CDC/FDA documents confirm this fact, so what on earth are we testing for really? (9)
We could spend a great deal of time discussing the ingredients here, apart from the mRNA technology which is alarming enough, the bioluminescent additive of ‘Luciferase’ is a little disturbing. Bioluminescents make things glow like the glow worms and fire fly’s … why is that specific product in these injections? (10)
Facts are important, so please remember the following ones –
- This is a Phase III Clinical Trial
- You are the experiment
- There is no long-term safety data available
- COVID-19 drugs are for Emergency Use Only
- Proven and effective treatments are available – Ivermectin and HCQ
- COVID-19 drugs are Genetic Medical Interventions
- They are not classed as Vaccines, that is, do not provide immunity
- mRNA has never been used before in a Vaccine
- The companies providing these EUO drugs have never successfully brought a vaccine to market
- You have a 99.97% chance of surviving the SARS-CoV2 virus
- Statistics in the DAEN (Database of Adverse Events Notification) show that this is neither safe or effective, injuries and deaths are unacceptably high
- The number of adverse events reported to the TGA DAEN is 1-10% of true figures according to whistle blower nurse and paramedic statements
The Nuremberg Code was created to prevent the genocide of Nazi Germany from ever happening again, yet here we are being forced, coerced and bribed into the largest experiment ever undertaken on humans. Medical apartheid is not acceptable. Taking away peoples rights until they comply, is not consent. If you had ever wondered what you would have done in the time of Nazi Germany, now you know!
We now have too many AHPRA verified health professionals speaking out against the narrative, their voices are overwhelming and fly in the face of the current MSM/government endorsed narrative and the ones who are still peddling the fiction.
So many people thought they were covered by 2 shots, now information has been released that the drugs only last for 6 months, so that means regular boosters for life, did those who volunteer for this experiment realise that it was a life time commitment?
Finally, in order to give ‘informed consent’ you need to be provided with all the relevant information regarding safety and efficacy, including antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), adverse reactions and worsened COVID-19 disease. In this Phase III Clinical Trial, there is no long-term safety data and the risks are still unknown, so patient consent and comprehension of risk, does not meet the basic medical ethics standards. (11)
Personally, I am waiting for the end results of this experiment in 2023/2024 and so far, it is not looking good for the Genetic Medical Interventions for COVID-19.
Reference links below –

(1) The 15 National Boards controlled by AHPRA are following:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Practice Board of Australia
- Chinese Medicine Board of Australia
- Chiropractic Board of Australia
- Dental Board of Australia
- Medical Board of Australia
- Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia
- Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
- Occupational Therapy Board of Australia
- Optometry Board of Australia
- Osteopathy Board of Australia
- Paramedicine Board of Australia
- Pharmacy Board of Australia
- Physiotherapy Board of Australia
- Podiatry Board of Australia
- Psychology Board of Australia
(2) AHPRA position statement which censors and muzzles health practitioners –https://www.ahpra.gov.au/Search.aspx?q=covid-19+position+statement
(3) There is no State of Emergency in NSW –
(4) Ivermectin studies and use … https://ivmmeta.com/
(5) Employers in Australia who mandate these experimental drugs, will be liable for their employees health even after they have ceased to work for them, in sweeping legislation progressing through Parliament, employers beware – https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/bill/files/3835/First%20Print.pdf?fbclid=IwAR0Ux0QfcK4B87FcL87Mq1xWvLTwO_hYKqkp6k3ZQc92TjuTi-fwgKf3BTU
(6) Clinical trials currently underway for these experimental drugs is 7024, if you thought you were not part of the largest human trial of all time, this site will confirm the truth … https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/results?cond=COVID-19&term=&cntry=&state=&city=&dist=
(7) TGA DAEN, type in COVID-19 and select all 4 medicines … https://apps.tga.gov.au/Prod/daen/daen-entry.aspx
(8) Cannot detect or differentiate between the flu and this virus …
(9) See page 41, not isolated … https://www.fda.gov/media/134922/download…
(10) Luciferase this is a bioluminescent marker, why would you need this in a human drug? See page 45 of patent US 10,577,403 found here … https://www.modernatx.com/patents?fbclid=IwAR15fUY2s-p60HyuaewJfkvApC9Th108XYa2IViIzvAyVqNiRhDwGGMtInk

(11) Given the strong evidence that ADE is a non‐theoretical and compelling risk for COVID‐19 vaccines and the “laundry list” nature of informed consents, disclosure of the specific risk of worsened COVID‐19 disease from vaccination calls for a specific, separate, informed consent form and demonstration of patient comprehension in order to meet medical ethics standards. The informed consent process for ongoing COVID‐19 vaccine trials does not appear to meet this standard.