Do Your Own Research
For the last 20 months, I have watched the world as I know it turn upside down. Civil rights and liberties have been stripped from the people, as quickly and effortlessly as this ‘novel coronavirus’ appeared on our doorsteps in January 2020.
Let me start by given you a pre-frame here, what I am about to discuss with you today is based on my own research, I encourage you to do the same, research, research and then do some more research. I will provide you with the links from mine, including patent numbers, videos discussing money transactions, research paper articles of both published and those confidential in nature articles. Ultimately at the end of the day, please consider this as information that I would give to my own children, anyone that I love and my clients. With that pre-frame, I invite you to sit back and enjoy the story that I am about to tell you.
So, let’s start at the beginning of my story … and I almost want to say ‘Once upon a time here’ … it all started for me when I received an email from my mum, the Aged Care facility where my Aunt lives had written to her and advised that – anyone visiting their facilities from the end of April 2020 had to have their flu vaccination, otherwise they would not be allowed entry. My reaction was – What? Hang on a minute … isn’t the pandemic for the coronavirus SARS-CoV2 otherwise known as COVID-19? What on earth is a flu vaccination going to do for this situation?

To give you a little context and background here, I worked in a large public hospital for over 20 years and have not once had the ‘free’ flu vaccination ever. The people I shared an office with regularly took these injections every year and they were the most sickly individuals I knew, suffering with frequent colds, flus, sinusitis and respiratory problems. And here is the thing, I never got sick, despite sharing a small office with 2 of these ‘germ factories’ consistently over all those years.
So, this one episode, an email from the Queensland Aged Care facility sparked me on a journey where I had to speak with people around the world, read countless journal articles and become an expert in the rapidly unfolding world of the pandemic. I have conducted over a thousand hours of research, have written to countless agencies world wide and within in Australia, including the TGA, NSW Civil Liberties Council and Government representatives, all of the Australian contacts were useless, I might add.
This research has seen me investigate all the relevant parties, pharmaceutical companies, WHO, events, GPMB and other organizations who have been profiting from this pandemic, yes profiting– including mainstream media and who owns/controls them, because this is a crucial point. BlackRock and Vanguard pretty much own everything that you can think of, I encourage you to investigate these two corporations yourself, it is truly mind boggling. They are affectionately called the fourth arm of government. I encourage you to try this for yourself on the Yahoo Finance site!

Again, to give you some context here, for the last 15 years or more, I have not watched commercial TV, read newspapers or listened to commercial radio – so I did not and have not received the ‘fear porn’ and propaganda associated with this current event. I am literally clueless as to what the latest guidelines are and I never look at them to be completely honest!
To be clear, we do not have a State of Emergency in NSW Australia where I live, this is covered in the Class Action about to go to the Supreme Court and the Public Health Orders are unlawful, again this is covered by the criminal law firms, lawyers for Human Rights and many other legal professionals. (links for below)
Currently in Australia there is a Whistle Blower complaint against AHPRA – which is the Australian Health Professional Regulation Agency. They give Nurses, Doctors and other health professionals their licenses and they have publicly threatened that anyone who speaks out against the ‘narrative’ will have their licenses removed. I will also include their public statement of position, which details the scope of their censorship.

Now I would ask you this question, when in the history of time, does a licensing agency interfere with the doctor patient relationship? This is exactly what is happening right now with the censorship, threats, fines and removal of licenses.
So .. How are you going to get unbiased information when your trusted health professionals are muzzled and threatened? That’s right, you are not getting it!
This is a major problem, as everyone goes to their doctors to get medical advice right, so if they are not allowed to tell you the truth, where can you get information, it is simple really –
- Turn off MSM
- Do your own research
So here is what I know from my own research –
- The original virus was not isolated and purified
- US patents were registered for this virus and vaccine before the outbreak
- Japanese biodistribution study was withheld from the public
- The New England Journal of Medicine misrepresented the spontaneous abortion rate
- TGA had no answers and then referred me to a private company
- Doctors being threatened, fired and censored from speaking out
- Emergency Use Only is valid when there is no treatment available
Ok let’s go through my findings …
1. This original virus was not isolated and purified. This pandemic started by referencing a group of journal articles, I read them all, the information was not clear. When the authors were questioned from each paper – not one of them could confirm the isolation and purification of this virus, this is basic science 101, so what exactly are we looking for if we do not have this specific information? At this very moment in time the CDC is still unable to answer this question, 18 months into a purported pandemic. In order to have a pandemic, you need to know the specific virus causes specific symptoms in an individual and this causes a specific disease, this basic concept has not been covered.
2. US patents were registered for this virus and vaccine before the outbreak – there are over 73 patents, I will include them in the show notes for you to explore and investigate yourself. They include the PCR test from 2004. When you own the patent on the virus, the entire gene code sequence and you own the patent on the testing for that virus, you completely own the science and subsequently the narrative. This incredible research is verifiable on the US patent website and the investigation was conducted by Dr David Martin; he presented his evidence to the International Class Action Lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich. After this interview in July 2021, more legal action is certain to follow.
Most importantly here, you cannot patent a natural thing, yet the whole sequence was patented before the outbreak in 2020 and earlier before the original SARS outbreak by several months. Patented and then the outbreak happens – this is criminal and everyone involved, including regulatory agencies, health agencies and big pharma is actually complicit.
3. Pfizer had a Japanese Government Biodistribution study that was deliberately withheld from the public. This study was obtained under the FOI act and I have recently looked at the results. Although it is in Japanese the tables are thankfully in English. What is shown here is that the lipid nanoparticles, which are meant to remain in the deltoid muscle injection site, travel all over the body within 48 hours. At this time stamp there were extremely high levels observed in the ovaries, spleen, adrenal glands and liver. This is not how a vaccine operates and it is the reason that there are so many side effects in this experiment which are not being recorded accurately.

Remembering the important facts here – that this is an experimental drug, that skipped animal trials, so there are no safety tests.
No fertility tests.
No neurotoxicity tests.
No carcinogenic tests for humans.
I will be including the ‘Product Information Sheets’ for these experimental drugs in the podcast show notes for you to read yourself.
Now I might add here, that the last flu vaccination ‘Product Information Sheets’ were exactly the same –
No human fertility tests.
No human carcinogenic testing.
No human neurotoxicity testing.
It really does pay to read the fine print and I encourage you to do so for anything that you inject into your body!
4. The New England Journal of Medicine misrepresented the spontaneous abortion rate in a recently published a study. It stated that only 12.6% of women who were <20 weeks pregnant had a spontaneous abortion after their CV-19 vaccination. However, when you look at the figures under Table 4, you notice that 700 women were in their 3rd trimester were included in this total. Third trimester is 29-40 weeks, yet these 700 women were placed into the <20-week group, this is a massive mistake or scientific fraud. Either way another journal article retraction is urgently required.
The correct figure here is calculated as 104/127 which is an 81.8% spontaneous abortion rate, this is clinically devastating in terms of statistics – but wait – there is more! Further analysis of Table 4 reveals that out of those 104 spontaneous abortions, 97/104 were less than 13 weeks pregnant – this is a staggering 92.3% spontaneous abortion rate.
Clear message here is – if you want to have a baby – stay away from this experimental drug.

5. TGA – Therapeutics Goods Association – our regulatory body had no answers for me. I wrote to them several times. Now you would think in a pandemic that the testing and review of such things as kits would be increased in the frequency due to the serious nature of the pandemic. Not here – our TGA dialled back their testing and adherence to GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) whilst simultaneously allowing a flood of testing kits from China. This is not what I would expect from a governing body in a time of crisis.
And when I asked them specific questions, they could not answer me, stating that the information did not exist – even worse still they referred me to a private company, a hospital in Melbourne to obtain further information on a public health matter. I was referred to the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity (the Doherty Institute) which is involved with the post market research including an independent evaluation of performance and test specificity. A little research on the funding for this institute shows there is a clear conflict of interest with this arrangement.
6. Doctors and Nurses are being threatened for speaking out. Confirmed by APHRA in their position statement.
Whilst I did get much of my information from overseas, this is because the populations are larger and they are simply treating more people in other countries.
Experts around the world have been denounced, publicly attacked, threatened, some have had to battle to keep their licence to practice, they have been fired from their jobs, all because they spoke out about what was really going on here.
If this does not ring alarm bells and raise a red flag for you, I am not sure what will …
Just to name a few people –
Dr. Beda Stadler, PhD is considered the “vaccine pope” and one of the top immunologists in the world.
Dr. John Ioannidis, MD, DSc is Professor of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health, and (by courtesy) of Biomedical Data Science, and of Statistics and co-Director of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS). Dr. Ioannidis is one of the most-cited scientists of all times in the scientific literature. His current research at Stanford covers a wide agenda, including meta-research, large-scale evidence, population health sciences and predictive medicine and health.
Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH is one of the most cited MD’s in the world in the National Library of Medicine on medical treatments, including for COVID-19, and has served on committees to investigate vaccine injuries.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, MD is a renowned German microbiologist who has published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, and received numerous awards and the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate. He is also the former Emeritus Head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, Germany.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, PhD is the former Vice President and a Chief Scientist of Allergy and Respiratory at Pfizer.
Dr. James Lyon-Weiler, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Jim Meehan, MD is a former editor of two medical journals.
Dr. John Lee, PhD is a pathologist and former clinical professor of pathology at Hull York Medical School and is a Consultant Histopathologist at Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr. Roger Hodkinson MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP is a medical specialist in pathology and virology and is currently Chairman of a medical biotechnology company in North Carolina that produces COVID-19 tests. He has also been used as a medical expert in court.
Dr. Denis Raincourt, PhD, Researcher and former full Professor of Physics at Hull University in Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Christine Northrup, MD is one of the most respected women in America on women’s health issues and a former guest on numerous television shows, including Oprah Winfrey.
Dr. Sheri Tennpenny graduated from the A T Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine,A T Still University Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1984. She works in Cleveland, OH and specializes in Allergy & Immunology, Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine.
Dr. Dolores Cahill received her PhD in Immunology from Dublin City University in 1994 and is a professor at the University College in Ireland. She was a Member of Ireland’s Advisory Science Council (2005-2014); a European Commission Seconded National Expert (2013-2014) and an EC expert for over 10 years.
Dr Ryan Cole is the CEO and Medical Director of Cole Diagnostics, one of the largest independent labs in the State of Idaho. Dr. Cole has conducted over 100,000 Covid-19 lab tests and treated over 350,000 patients over his medical career.
Dr Vladimir Zev Zelenko is a Board Certified Family Physician. He was the first in America (March 2020) to innovate a successful treatment for covid-19 in the prehospital setting called the Zelenko Protocol. President Trump credited Dr. Zelenko for his decision to take HCQ as prophylaxis. Dr. Zelenko has treated high profile individuals such President Bolsonaro, Rudy Giuliani, and many others.
Dr Zach Bush MD is a physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease, and food systems. Dr Zach founded *Seraphic Group and the non-profit Farmer’s Footprint to develop root-cause solutions for human and ecological health.
Dr Simone Gold America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) founder Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM, is a board-certified emergency physician who has worked on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic. She is the author of the provocative, top-selling book I Do Not Consent: My Fight Against Medical Cancel Culture. Gold graduated from Chicago Medical School before attending Stanford University Law School to earn her Juris Doctorate. Her tireless work for AFLDS includes public speaking, research, writing, drafting legal-policy statements and positions, meeting with politicians and policy makers, and educating the public. Her advocacy revolves around inalienable rights of freedom: bodily sovereignty, voluntary informed consent, free speech.
Dr. Luc Montagnier—recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
Signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration – many hundreds of thousands of people world wide.
7 Emergency Use Only – this provisional licence is only given when there are no treatments available. Here is the thing though, we have 2 already, Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. These medicines have been around for 60 years and 40 years respectively, yet anyone trying to publish data on these drugs has been hindered. These old medicines are working, do work and have been taken by many as a prophalytic – that is as a preventative medication – very successfully. Thousands and thousands of patients, have been treated with these safe medicines and are well as a result.
Many countries banned the use of HCQ, even here in Australia, which when you consider the world-wide success with these medicines, it is bordering on criminal tactics from Governments.

As far back as 2005, Dr Anthony Fauci published a study, explicitly stating that Chloroquine (a drug in the same family as HCQ) was effective as a treatment and prophylactic for SARS CoV 1, which apparently is extraordinarily similar to the second version (some say 78% similar). 15 years ago, the treatment was confirmed by Dr Fauci himself, link to the article will be in the show notes.
I find this extraordinarily strange and very concerning.
I have access to and have read Dr Fauci’s emails, where he is discussing the ‘characterisation’ of this experimental jab with a CNN journalist, she questions whether or not it should be called a vaccine, he says ‘yes it is ‘characterised’ as a vaccine’. His emails, when coupled with the patents, in which his organisation was mentioned, is very alarming indeed.
In numerous lawsuits filed around the world, this vaccine has been classified as a – GENETIC MEDICAL INTERVENTION – otherwise known as gene therapy. It does not meet the scientific, medical or legal definition of a vaccine. As Dr Robert Malone has stated, people are treating this as though it is a vaccine, this is dangerous because it is not.
These experimental drugs are not approved, they are classified as ‘Emergency Use Only’, the contents and full ingredients list must be disclosed for an approval. Currently the full list of ingredients is unknown, as the 4 market leaders, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson – battle it out to get recognition is the vaccine market, not one company has ever brought a vaccine to the market successfully ever.
The recent announcement of the FDA stating that they have given approval for the Pfizer COMNIRITY vaccine, came as quite a shock, Phase III Clinical Trials in humans are currently not complete until 2023/2024, so they have truly jumped the gun here. What it does mean is that in this time frame in order to get full approval Pfizer must provide all data, including deaths and adverse events to the FDA, plus the complete ingredient list, this means full disclosure. This also allows the opportunity of mandates worldwide, as the experimental drugs will have full approval. However, as this is an adult vaccine, the liability protection does not apply, which opens up the opportunity for everyone to sue not only the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, but also the FDA. Somehow, I do not see this happening, so we have a check mate situation!
Importantly … Informed Consent can only be given when the subject is fully aware of all the risks, the duration of the experiment and has not been coerced. Informed Consent can only happen within the confines of the doctor/patient relationship and without government interference or intervention. You can never have Informed Consent as a mandate. And we are entering very dangerous territory when you have businesses and employers dictating or mandating medical procedures, such as forced vaccination, this is medical apartheid and will not be tolerated by the people of free countries.
I have an ethical responsibility to let you know my findings. The levels of censorship that has been rife for the last 18 months is simply astounding and this needs to stop.
One of the funniest things I have read recently is the CDC confirming that the test that has been used since the beginning of the pandemic and itself is granted emergency use only approval, cannot detect or differentiate between the flu and this virus. I will say that again, the test that has been recommended around the world for the last 18 months, the RT-PCR test cannot detect or differentiate between the flu or this virus, so what are we testing for really and why did we shut down the entire world for the flu? But, they will allow this clearly inept testing to continue until 31st December 2021. So, all these cases we have experienced, are perhaps just the flu or another strain of it, this is really what they are saying.

So, in summary, my advice is to wait until the Phase III Clinical trials are over in 2023 and 2024 and see what the safety data tells you at that time. And never take experimental (emergency use only) drugs that can jeopardise your fertility!
All my links will be on the podcast show notes section, here is the link –…/do-your-own-research/
Remember to stay curious, do your own research and question everything.